In the Name of God/Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful.
My name is Saleem and I just started medical school four days ago. Fortunately or unfortunately you have entered upon this mind in the midst of its story. I don't know when this story will end, but I do know that because you weren't reading it from the beginning, you'll have to figure some things out as you go along. That shouldn't be too much of a problem. If you are someone who has a penchant for understanding human beings then you shouldn't have too much difficulty figuring things out. Even if you don't, you may still gain much benefit, God willing. Or perhaps you won't either way. He knows best. I hope this does benefit you though, as much as I hope it does myself.
I originally started this blog for myself alone. I started it so that instead of letting my thoughts meander aimlessly through my mind, I may give those ones that demand scrutiny a place to live. I will not care too much about grammar. Regardless, as I started thinking about putting my thoughts up on I realized that the point of this was not just for me to organize my thoughts for myself, but rather so that others could see them too. Who? Why? Well, who, I am not sure about that yet. Why? In the hopes that someone may benefit in some way. That perhaps it may bring someone to Truth, or at least just make someone think. When God gives you wealth, you are expected to give out from it. When God gives you health, you are expected to use it in the best way. When God gives you intellect, you are expected to protect, nourish and exercise it. In the same way, I think I have been given (or at least stumbled across) something and that it is now expected that I share that something with people. God loves those who serve His creation. I hope that some words I write here may inspire, help, or guide someone along the path of life. I pray that God makes me of those whom He draws closest to Him. Ameen. After that, what else is there?
From time to time I may put some short things up which do not have much meaning but which contribute to letting you in on the ambiance of my life as it is playing out currently.
Since I am in medical school now you will find that many of my thoughts are embedded within the intellectual atmosphere that that creates. In fact it is because of some sparks that flew in my mind during physiology today that I began this blog. I figured after all these years it's time to try to make sense of it all - and share it with others in the process.
I will end now, as it is getting late. For now, I leave you with two statements to consider. The first was said by Al-Ghazzali:
I originally started this blog for myself alone. I started it so that instead of letting my thoughts meander aimlessly through my mind, I may give those ones that demand scrutiny a place to live. I will not care too much about grammar. Regardless, as I started thinking about putting my thoughts up on I realized that the point of this was not just for me to organize my thoughts for myself, but rather so that others could see them too. Who? Why? Well, who, I am not sure about that yet. Why? In the hopes that someone may benefit in some way. That perhaps it may bring someone to Truth, or at least just make someone think. When God gives you wealth, you are expected to give out from it. When God gives you health, you are expected to use it in the best way. When God gives you intellect, you are expected to protect, nourish and exercise it. In the same way, I think I have been given (or at least stumbled across) something and that it is now expected that I share that something with people. God loves those who serve His creation. I hope that some words I write here may inspire, help, or guide someone along the path of life. I pray that God makes me of those whom He draws closest to Him. Ameen. After that, what else is there?
From time to time I may put some short things up which do not have much meaning but which contribute to letting you in on the ambiance of my life as it is playing out currently.
Since I am in medical school now you will find that many of my thoughts are embedded within the intellectual atmosphere that that creates. In fact it is because of some sparks that flew in my mind during physiology today that I began this blog. I figured after all these years it's time to try to make sense of it all - and share it with others in the process.
I will end now, as it is getting late. For now, I leave you with two statements to consider. The first was said by Al-Ghazzali:
1) Man is not the criterion for Truth - Truth is the criterion for man.
The second statement is from God:
2) There is no god except God.
And just in case you wondered...yes, he is married. (: By the Grace of Allah swt. (:
lol Subul good one! :)
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