Flowers. What about flowers? From a strictly modern biological perspective we can discuss their role in the ecosystem, or the fact that they often rely on bees and winds for reproduction. But those things do not strike me as much as the ultimate reason for their existence.
Like everything else in the world, flowers are signs of God.
A sign is something that is made to attract someone's attention and direct it somewhere else: to a place, person, or concept. The things of this universe (including the universe itself) are signs that point to God. They point to His existence and His Attributes. The Qur'an says that reflecting on the signs of the universe tell you about God, and bring you closer to Him.
Flowers beautify anything they are near. Imagine a plain field of grass. It has it's own beauty, but sprinkle it with red and yellow flowers and the field becomes ornamented and inspires admiration. If we want to beautify a sign, or a walkway, or the insides of our houses, we plant flowers. Imagine a man-made pathway leading to a house with two troughs of dirt on each side. Better yet, imagine it with simply grass coming up to the sides of the path. Add flowers to each side; small purple, white, red and orange flowers - what a difference it makes in the mind of the individual walking up to the house! Have you ever felt flower petals? Flower petals are wonderfully soft and gentle. They remind us of the Gentleness of God. They remind us that with gentleness comes beauty.
Why am I talking about flowers while millions of men, women and children are starving to death? Why discuss flowers when human blood is being spilt as a result of greedy men’s hankerings? Why, when countless people are living empty lives, chasing wealth blindly and stepping over the weak to reach their goals, do I mention the immobile, seemingly inconsequential plants that grow along our paths and in our backyards? Why talk about flowers when humanity is losing its center, forgetting its soul, and while our societies are becoming spiritually and principally bereft? Dear reader, I talk about flowers for all of the above reasons.
As long as there are flowers, there is hope. And a great hope at that.
If God is still bringing flowers into the world, reminding us of His Beauty and Gentleness, then that is a tremendous source of hope. With every heart that is stilled by looking at the beauty of a flower, with every bit of softness felt on the tips of our fingers, with every beautiful fragrance we inhale, is a reminder of God's Beauty, and His invitation to beauty. We see this beauty in the unchanging heavens above us, in the returning green of spring, in the way snow lines every branch of a tree, in the soft blue sky and warm sun rays penetrating clouds, in the colors of a sunset - and in the unasserting yet radiant flower which blooms and smiles at us no matter where, who or what we are. Despite our darknesses, God continuously invites us to beauty by His constant creation and sustaining of beauty in the world.
For this reason, there is always hope.
"If the Day of Judgment arrives and in the hand of one of you is a palm shoot that he can plant, then he should plant it."
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah,
I've always had an extreme liking for flowers. At Binghamton my friends would try to keep me away from them, for when I saw them not only did I love them, but I wanted to have them! So I'd pluck, at least one. (: They thought I was inhumane (or inflowere?). I thought I wanted to take the beauty home with me, even if it would only last so long. I wanted to hold it and keep it very close by, deriving, like you said, that sense of hope and beauty from it. Perhaps by staring at it long enough some of that beauty would enter through my eyes and make its way to my heart. (: I didn't necessarily attribute it to Allah swt back then.
But now I do. Alhamdulillah what you have said is so true and well-written and perfect for the onset of Spring, perhaps a Spring in our lives and souls as well. May we always find time to step out of our modern-day lives, so bereft of nature, and look at the beauty which Allah swt has Created for us and from this derive a renewed sense of hope and purpose. May some of that beauty also then enter and reflect in our lives so that we may, like the flowers in a patch of grass, ornament this dunya-ameen*
when are you going to start writing on your blog, I cant wait to read your wonderful articles, this comment was rather like an article itself. subhanallah
subhanallah! very well written!
u mind if i use this in the next issue of the minaret... lol jk jk jk :-D
u know i got nothing but love for u bro!
salaam bro,
MashaAllah very well written again. Like you said Allah taala is indeed merciful to continue bring forth this creation in this world amid all the turmoil and what not. And we know that flowers are not just for man but used by birds and bees too.
I hope you continue to write such enlightening stuff more often inshaAllah even though you are in med school and married :)
and how come I dont see you at bellmore masjid for magrib anymore? :)
Thank you, you made me cry with your beautiful and inspirational words; reminding us that regardless of all the turmoils of this world, God give us bounty in nature reminding us of hope...
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