Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hajj: Commemoration of a Trial

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
In the Name of God/Allah, The Merciful, The Compassionate

Hajj. The Pilgrimage every Muslim man and woman must make once in their life time if they are able to. The Ka'aba, a cubic structure, was built originally by Abraham (peace be upon him), as ordered by God to do so in the valley of Becca, later to be known as Mecca.

Prophet Abraham, peace be upon him, faced a tremendous trial in Becca. He was commanded by God to sacrifice his son. The point of it all was not the sacrifice itself. It was the willingness of Abraham and his son to do as God commanded although it seemed to go against every grain of their very essences. That is submission to God. That is beautiful. And that... what is expected of us all at some point in our lives.

If God wills, my wife and I will be going to commemorate Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him)'s actions. But it is more than a commemoration. As there was a fitting trial for a Prophet, whose soul's magnitude and strength is certainly unknown to us, so shall there be a fitting trial for those who came hundreds of years after him. Namely, the Niazi family.

I feel the weight of the trial so heavy on my heart even before I have left. Something is stirring in my soul. The part of every human's soul that entices them to evil is beginning to writhe and cringe; any light that exists within me feels like it wants to be free from years of suffocation. All of this contributes to the storm brewing within me. I only pray that the light and beauty of Mecca and Medina will penetrate me completely and refresh and put aright all that went astray. My hope is in God. My hope is in Allah.

His Mercy is boundless, and is independent of our deeds.

May Allah immerse us in overflowing love and bring forth from our eyes tears of hope, love, fear, shame and complete surrender. Ameen/Amen.



Blogger Nazia said...

Check my post on Hajj.

12/18/2006 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting post...nice!

11/22/2008 12:42:00 PM  

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